Vacuum Forming
Vacuum Forming Packaging -
This is a type of forming, which provides packing solutions for industries that require both small and large quantities. These trays are used in food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, fisheries, blisters; 3 D pop up posters, & clamshell. Vacuum forming gives the customer complete flexibility in terms of product, design, size & quantity.
Vacuum Forming Process -
Vacuum forming is a process of converting Plastic film into articles of different shapes with the process of vacuum. In this process any plastic film ie.( PVC, PET, P.P, HIPS, HIPGP ect) is heated to the desired temperature and the material is converted into a semi molten form which is then exposed to the die where the material takes the shape of the mould with help of vacuum & chilling process. These formed articles are then cut into desired shapes and the excess is scraped off.